Garden Design Broward

by / Thursday, 05 March 2015 / Published in Uncategorized

Garden Design BrowardGarden Design Broward

Garden Design Broward is the art of creating unique, beautiful environments for commercial and residential properties as well as common areas. Garden design may start with the garden owner themselves, but in order to execute a beautiful, balanced garden there are many considerations that apply. These considerations may include soil conditions, climate (zone), plant or tree type (lifespan and growing habits), water tolerance, sunlight or shade, color, hardscapes, rocks, water features, garden lighting and garden furniture. Soil influences the availability of water (drainage) and nutrients. Depending on the climate (zone) you live in, the availability of plants and trees may vary depending on factors such as frost, drought, heat, etc. Plant or tree types chosen will depend on availability in the area you live. Water tolerance can be a key factor to creating a low maintenance garden. Sunlight or shade will also play a factor in the selection of plants weather evergreen or flowering. Color is a subjective factor in choosing the plants you would like to incorporate into your garden. It is important to introduce hardscapes such as pottery, etc. into your garden in order to diversify and create more interest in beauty of your garden. Rocks can be utilized in your garden in many ways such as river rock, cap rocks, and many other types of decorative rocks to enhance the look and compliment the adjacent spaces. Water features, such as fountains, running water, ponds, etc. many appeal to an individual’s pleasure of tranquility in their garden. Garden lighting plays and important role in creating drama in the space created. These are several things that a professional garden designer will look at prior to laying out a site plan for your unique garden. Experience and knowledge also play a very important role in the garden designer’s plan for your property. Prior to beginning on this venture, it is very important to have a set budget based on your priorities. One way of executing this is by making a priority list of the things that are important to you. For example: #1 priority- Plants with color that last year after year; #2 priority- Decorative pots in my garden beds; #3 priority- Rock bed, no mulch; #4 priority- Cap rocks in my garden bed, etc. This will make it easier to understand cost factors as the garden comes together.

The ultimate goal is for the garden to come together as you envisioned so that you can enjoy your garden year after year, for years to come.


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